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Playing D&D will make you a better recruiter

Role Playing Games is one easy and fun way to upskill your Recruiting game (pun intended). You may never have heard of serious games or think that RPGs are for nerds on TV but they can really help your self upskilling.

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Tabula Rasa

Time for the new year, new you and the new year’s resolutions. 2020 became a thing of the past and we have a blank slate to be more {insert desirable behaviour}, to stop {insert undesirable behaviour}, to start doing {insert desirable behaviour}.

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2020 - What did I learn this year?

As 2020 finally comes to a close, I decided that my last blog post would reflect on the stuff I learnt and/or achieved during a year that turned out to be as far as it possibly could be from what we expected and had planned for.

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200 Days of Lockdown

Tuesday, September 29th marked 200 days of lockdown in Dublin. Here is how 200 days of lockdown affected me personally and professionally.

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Once upon a time… I hated working from home

Once upon a time, I worked from home only if I didn't have any other choice. Random fears and anxiety stopped me from enjoying focus time as well as peace and quiet while working. Thankfully, the lockdown has cured that.

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A reflection on feedback and 6 weeks of CV workshops

You know the saying if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. How do you then give feedback? So, if the feedback is not positive, it's not nice to say it, so we shouldn't? But what if the context is to improve yourself?

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The Disney Princess Syndrome and how to break free of it

A self-improvement exercise: How to coach myself to be self-reliant? Self-reliance became more important in everyone's life since we all became remote workers and communication became asynchronous: what can I do if there's no-one to help me "right now"?

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Adaptability on steroids

Thirty-nine days ago, I was home with strep tonsillitis – at the time one of the most contagious diseases – when I got a call from our MD: can the whole office work remotely?

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