20 tips for the recruiter I was in 2010

Dear Chloé from 2010, I know you've just started as a recruiter a couple of weeks ago, and I thought that in my (now) great wisdom, I would share with you 20 things that I've learnt that would have made my life a lot easier if I had known them before.

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13 DOs and DON'Ts when writing your CV

With so many people out of work because of the global pandemic and the economy that went in lock down with all of us, here are 13 tips to help with you if you're finding yourself in a position to have to revamp your CV and look for a job.

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Once upon a time… I hated working from home

Once upon a time, I worked from home only if I didn't have any other choice. Random fears and anxiety stopped me from enjoying focus time as well as peace and quiet while working. Thankfully, the lockdown has cured that.

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